Jumat, 26 November 2010

MARKET Bolu, Trade Center Buffalo in Toraja

Buffalo and seller

buffalo eye stripe (bonga)

This Buffalo striped (bonga)

enter into the mouth buffalo grass

Buffalo again soaking in pools of water

MARKET Bolu, Trade Center Buffalo in Toraja

Buffalo is one animal that has the highest value in the social strata of society Toraja. Located about 3 km from center Rantepao Toraja district capital of Northern Now.
Yes Bolu Market located in the district North Toraja Rantepao tallunglipu this, different from the usual market, which is located disebuah market shopping complex and bus terminal. When we visited this market is we will find vendors selling a variety of daily needs, but the most interesting thing is that we can see one of the animals most proud of by the Toraja people wherever he is. Yes animal buffalo, various sizes and shapes of buffalo that are sold and displayed here. Entering the location of this market we will see each other buffalo pedagan hectic with the haggling with prospective buyers. The price varies for the size of buffalo horns and a half inch of it was biased valued around rp.9 to 12 million, a prospective buyer who had I met named Tinus is often called by the dialect Toraja Tinu 'said the price of buffalo now in Toraja is very high, "but not a problem of high and low prices. See Market Bolu actually invites us to open our horizons to think, that the market Bolu is that in addition to traditional ceremonies Signs Solo 'market value as a tourist attraction Bolu else can be sold. Hundreds of buffalo are sold here if it was market day can reach about 500 s 700 tail and it was a remarkable sight! Behind the bustle of the market there are many meanings associated with the culture of Toraja. bull market lasted six days. Not once a week. Today the market is set six days once it is an ancestor of the calculation results Toraja society since hundreds of years ago. "Many important aspects that we can get if we want to learn the culture of Toraja. Each ceremonial buffalo even buying and selling is a reflection of our ancestral nobleness science. Each motif carved Toraja philosophy about life has a meaning all of us. Buffalo motive must exist in the carvings of the Toraja in Tongkonan. That's a sign of how the buffalo have a deep relationship in the life of Toraja people.

Amazing prices and Busy

Buffalo among prospective buyers and sellers
sponge on the market we saw hundreds of buffalo with a variety of types and sizes roam the middle and at the edges of the market. The size and type of horns also vary., Color and skin type buffalo is one of the factors that influence the price of buffalo. If small black buffalo appreciated only about 7 million, and large black buffalo around 13-18 million, it is normal.
Well in Toraja is called striped or Tedong bonga buffalo, buffalo is very expensive especially if large and rare and interesting forms of blemish price could reach 250 million, equal to New Innova Car. Pak Sampe a community leader in Pangli Pallawa, explained to me that he has one called buffalo buffaloes Saleko, whose head is white, while on the body has a nice complexion blemish and move his feet while white and this is rarely found among the owners of this bonga added Tedong or buffalo has been offered at a price of 100 million but I do not want to sell, and I replied probably cost less suitable, he laughed.
This market is seen hundreds of buffalo in the stable, corral provided the government in this market managers,
bonga show off his teeth
not to mention outside of the cage and above the truck. As well as hundreds of men by wearing and wrapped in body and a sword scabbard at his waist, in addition we will see the mothers and even grandmothers maternal grandmother strong strap holds the buffalo, also we will see traders give into the mouth buffalo grass and walked up and down. There is also covering the head with a sarong. There's even a buffalo tooth brushing and bathing them this is a phenomenon other than sight in Toraja ..

Visiting the Toraja should not forget outlets sponge, a thing that is interesting to go deeper social values in the communities along Toraja buffalo, and from there we can find out why the buffalo is very important and we can see in there is definitely carving carving Toraja buffalo image., Market Bolu, obviously could be a unique tourist destination. Not only are most unique in the Toraja in South Sulawesi, or even in Indonesia. It could be that the market is the most unique markets in the world. And this is a great asset for tourism in Indonesia. Well as evidence of how rich culture of Toraja. How smart are able to bring the Toraja ancestor culture full of meaning and interesting to contemplate.

HW112010 allrightreservb

PASAR BOLU, Pusat Perdagangan Kerbau di Toraja

Kerbau merupakan salah satu hewan yang mempunyai nilai tertinggi dalam strata social masyarakat Toraja. Berjarak sekitar 3 km dari pusat kota Rantepao ibukota Kabupaten Toraja Utara Sekarang.
Pasar Bolu yag terletak di kecamatan rantepao tallunglipu Toraja Utara ini, berbeda dari pasar biasanya, pasar yang terletak disebuah kompleks pertokoan dan terminal bus. Jika kita mengunjungi pasar ini memang akan kita jumpai pedagang yang menjual berbagai macam kebutuhan sehari hari, namun hal yang paling menarik adalah kita dapat melihat salah satu hewan yang paling dibanggakan oleh orang orang Toraja dimanapun dia berada. Ya hewan itu kerbau, berbagai macam ukuran dan bentuk dari kerbau yang dijual dan dipajang disini. Memasuki lokasi pasar ini kita akan melihat ramainya para pedagan kerbau saling tawar menawar dengan calon pembelinya. Harganyapun bervariasi untuk ukuran kerbau yang tanduknya setengah jengkal saja itu bias dihargai sekitar rp.9 s/d 12 juta , seorang calon pembeli yang sempat saya jumpai bernama Tinus yang sering dipanggil dengan dialek Toraja Tinu’ mengatakan harga kerbau sekarang di Toraja sudah sangat tinggi , " namun bukan masalah tinggi rendahnya harga. Melihat Pasar Bolu sebenarnya mengajak kita membuka cakrawala berpikir kita, bahwa dipasar Bolu ini bahwa selain upacara adat Rambu Solo’ nilai pasar Bolu sebagi Objek wisata lain bisa dijual. Ratusan kerbau yang dijual disini jika hari pasar hal itu bisa mencapai sekitar 500 s/d 700 ekor dan itu merupakan pemandangan luar biasa ! Di balik kesibukan di pasar tersebut terdapat banyak makna yang berkaitan dengan budaya Toraja. pasar kerbau berlangsung enam hari sekali. Bukan seminggu sekali. Hari pasar yang ditetapkan enam hari sekali itu merupakan hasil perhitungan leluhur masyarakat Toraja sejak ratusan tahun lalu. "Banyak aspek penting yang bisa kita dapatkan jika kita mau mempelajari budaya Toraja. Setiap upacara adat bahkan jual beli kerbau merupakan refleksi keluhuran ilmu pengetahuan leluhur kami. Setiap motif ukiran Toraja mempunyai makna filosofi tentang kehidupan kita semua. Motif kerbau pasti ada dalam ukiran di Tongkonan milik orang Toraja. Itu tanda betapa kerbau punya hubungan mendalam dalam kehidupan masyarakat Toraja,.

Harga Yang Menakjubkan dan Sibuk

di pasar bolu kita melihat ratusan kerbau dengan beragam jenis dan ukuran berkeliaran di tengah dan di pinggir-pinggir pasar. Ukuran dan jenis tanduknya pun berbeda-beda., warna dan jenis kulit kerbau merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi harga kerbau. Jika kerbau kecil berwarna hitam hanya dihargai sekitar 7 juta, dan kerbau hitam besar sekitar 13-18 juta itu yang biasa saja.
Nah di Toraja ada yang disebut kerbau belang atau Tedong Bonga , kerbau ini sangat mahal apalagi jika besar dan bentuk belangnya langka dan menarik harganya bisa mencapai 250 Juta, sama dengan Mobil Kijang Innova Baru. Pak Sampe seorang tokoh masyarakat di Pangli Pallawa, menjelaskan kepada saya bahwa dia mempunyai satu ekor kerbau yang disebut kerbau Saleko, yang kepalanya berwarna putih , sementara ditubuhnya mempunyai corak belangnya bagus dan langkah sedangkan kakinya putih dan hal ini jarang ditemukan dikalangan pemilik Bonga ini ditambahkan Tedong atau kerbaunya sudah ditawar dengan harga 100 juta namun saya belum mau jual , dan saya menimpali mungkin harganya kurang cocok, Dia tertawa.
Dipasar ini ratusan kerbau telihat dikandang kandang yang disediakan pihak pemerintah dalam hal ini pengelola pasar , belum lagi yang berada di luar kandang dan diatas mobil truk. Serta ratusan pria dengan memakai dan melilitkan sarungnya ditubuhnya dan parang di pinggangnya,selain itu kita akan melihat para ibu ibu bahkan nenek nenek yang kuat memegang tali kerbaunya, juga kita akan melihat para pedagang memberikan rumput kedalam mulut kerbaunya serta berjalan hilir mudik. Ada pula yang menutupi kepalanya dengan sarung. Bahkan ada yang menggosok gigi kerbau serta memandikannya hal ini merupakan suatu fenomena lain dari pemandangan di toraja..

Berkunjung ke Toraja sebaiknya jangan lupa kepasar bolu, suatu hal yang menarik untuk lebih mendalami nilai nilai social dalam masyarakan Toraja beserta kerbaunya , dan dari situ kita bisa mengetahui mengapa kerbau sangat penting dan ini kita bisa melihat dalam ukiran ukiran toraja pasti terdapat gambar kerbau., Pasar Bolu, jelas bisa menjadi daerah tujuan wisata yang unik. Bukan saja terunik di Toraja atau di Sulawesi Selatan bahkan di Indonesia. Bisa jadi pasar itu merupakan pasar terunik didunia . Dan ini aset besar bagi pariwisata di Indonesia. Sekaligus bukti betapa kayanya budaya Toraja. Betapa cerdasnya leluhur Toraja yang mampu melahirkan budaya sarat makna dan menarik untuk direnungkan.

HW112010 allrightreservb

Kamis, 25 November 2010

KAMBIRA ,,Purity, the baby in a tree hole

Inilah Pohon Tarra tempat anak bayi dimakamkan di lubang ( liang )pohon/ This is the Tree of Tarra place infant children are buried in holes (burrows) tree

BADIK, Pride of the fading

Elementary School Students witnessed the exhibition of weapons Badik badik

Badik which exhibited

Elementary School Students witnessed the exhibition of weapons Badik badik
Badik which exhibited

Badik which exhibited
BADIK, Pride of the fading

In every culture people anywhere in this world has its own peculiarities, especially in terms of traditional weapons are also an environment of pride within the social strata of society, are, In Indonesia especially South Sulawesi, especially in a society Bugis - Makassar, known for a weapon called badik.
Badik not only as a weapon to protect themselves from a threat but has been a cultural symbol of the community and was included in elements of culture are quite old, and the scope is quite broad and based on evidence of cultural relics has been known since prehistoric times. This means that since time immemorial people in southern Sulawesi had been taking badik, and according to sources melayuonline.com, badik weapon was also found in the area PATANI, southern Thailand as guess, if viewed guess the same form with badik bugis, it is estimated that this guess is the same weapon because the tribe known as the tradition bugis go abroad, with this tradition they always move from one area other areas of the archipelago, including the area Patani in southern Thailand, displacement implies akulturisasi culture, marked by the spread of artefacts artifacts, including badik finally patani badik known in the area as the guess.

Philosophy Bugis and Makassar.

There are expressions in Makassar society that says "TEYAI BURA'NE Punna Tena NABALLAKI BADIK '", which means "not Laki Laki Badik If not voting", while the Bugis people say "TANIYA UGINAREKKO DE'NAPPUNAI KAWALI", which means people bugis if
not do not have Kawali or badik.
People dare to wander keberbagi bugis first place in the world, and they adhere to a philosophy or nature as "TELLUCAPPA", or three ends, three end this meant CAPPA Lila or tongue tip here or intend intelligence and ingenuity, both CAPPA Kawali or Badik , which means that intend Edge Weapons courage and the last is CAPPA Gajang or Edge Pubic meaningful marriage, adopted this philosophy and is run every person who went bugis wander or roam anywhere.


According to the Bugis Makassar view, each type badik have magical power (magical). These forces may affect the conditions, circumstances, and the life process owner. Accordingly, there is the belief that badik also able to create tranquility, peace, welfare and prosperity or destitution, poverty and misery for the store. Era now, if you have or bring badik Public place, people will feel fear and this alert not one to remember at this present badik weapons is always associated with fighting and war issues even up to the murder that led to deal with the security forces or police, but whether this is true? In the past the regions of Indonesia is an empire, if we know the Sriwijaya in Sumatra, Mataram kingdom in Java, South Sulawesi, the former also has some great empire like LUWU, BONE and Gowa,, from three regions of this empire we can better know the actual badik weapons within the scope of local culture.
Badik in the area of South Sulawesi is known in the area Luwu, called Badik RONGKONG, while Bone and Gowa, Badik been used since hundreds of years in the community Bugis and Makassar culture, not only as a weapon to defend themselves, and the hunt but also a symbol in determining social status symbol these measures as well as ethnic status. Badik not only popular in the area of Bugis and Makassar, but also the Mandar region but with different names.
In general badik consists of three parts, namely upstream (handle) and blade (iron), as well as complement the sheath or scabbard badik. Indeed if we look badik weapons in South Sulawesi briefly together!?, But this is different, Badik Makassar have kale (bars) are flat, battang (stomach), distended and sharp and CAPPA '(bands) are pointed. Badik shaped like this called Badik Sari. Badik Sari is made up of pangulu (handle badik), sumpa 'kale (badik body) and banoang (sarong badik). While the Bugis Bone badik Bugis community called Kawali, has bessi or a flat blade, pointed tip and a bit wide in the end, while kawali Luwu have bessi shaped flat and straight. Kawali also have parts, such as pangulu (upstream), bessi (bars) and Wanua (sarong). Both badik or kawali trusted by various circles to give a keutan magic and can also bring benefits as well as bad luck!.

Badik bugis or Kawali divided into several types are like

Kawali Lamalomo badik Sugi is the kind that have a bearing on the blade and the motive is believed to be weapons that will provide wealth for their owners.

Meanwhile, kawali Lataring Tellu who has a three-node motifs in the position of the furnace is believed will bring good luck to their owners will be no shortage of food will not experience sorrow and suffering. That is why, badik is most appropriate for those who seek in the agricultural sector.

Kawali Lade 'nateyai have prestige in the form of small dots and streaks on the base lined up on the eyes. Badik is believed to bring sustenance in abundance for the owner. Badik these have similar functions with Kawali Lakadang gala that has shaped motif on base.

One of the trusted badik ideal is Kawali Lagemme 'Silampa who have ulterior motives in the form of veins stretching from base to tip. It is believed that the owner is always badik will get safety and welfare of his life along with all the relatives. Meanwhile, to get the patience, it is believed should have Kawali Lasabbara.

Kawali badik Ilakkoajang is the kind that is believed to be weapons that can bring prestige and degree that it has a motive tinggi.Badik streaks throughout his body. In the meantime, for those who want a victory in every battle should have Kawali Latenriwale. Badik which has an oval motif in the form of dots on the edges is believed to generate properties persist for the owner in every battle.

When there is credible badik containing goodness, did the opposite so there badik containing misfortune. Kawali Lasukku badik Ja'na is considered very bad. For anyone, Kawali Latemmewa is badik does very well, because this can not be trusted badik maintain dignity and honor of the owner. According to the trust, the owner of this badik will not take the fight despite being slapped by someone else.

In line with these beliefs, there are Kawali Lamalomo Malaweng Tappi'enngi who has a motive in the form of strokes of the arrow on the base. It is believed, the owner of this badik often engage in fornication. Badik has a belief contrary to Kawali Lamalomo Rialawengeng. The legend says that the owner badik like these are often his wife of committing adultery with another man.

The Pride of fading

Seeing badik function or escort of his time apparently, this weapon is extraordinary and there is a special message for people to live a life. But at the present badik though his image has begun to decline in the association of modern society, this is caused Badik as a symbol of the Bugis and Makassar has misused its use by people who are not responsible, should it? Whereas in the value of social starata Makassar and Bugis people have a high status. Badik / kawali not only serves merely as a stabbing weapon, but also symbolizes status, personal and character of the carrier. Habits take Badik / kawali among the community, especially ethnic Bugis and Makassar is a common sight encountered to date especially in the land of Bone. Habits are not reflecting that people in South Sulawesi, Bugis and Makassar in particular tribe is a society that likes to fight, or love to find a scene but more emphasis on the symbolic meaning contained in Badik / kawali it.

The importance of the position Badik / kawali in Buginese and Makassar society makes people try to create / obtain a special badik both in terms of manufacture, raw materials, as well as the prestige '(dagger) which are believed to provide positive energy to anyone who owns or
bring. Badik / kawali good / special can be seen from several elements, namely:

a. In terms of physical Badik / kawali can be seen:
1. Raw materials and steel made from iron meteorites and the choice usually contain light. South Sulawesi region since ancient times is known for high quality iron luwu.
2. Pamor; range of prestige on Badik / kawali much simpler than the Javanese kris usually consisting of types of prestige kurrisi, lasoancale, parinring, flowers pejje, madaongase, kuribojo, tebajampu, timpalajja and balopakki.
b. Aspects side '(dagger) / mystic among others:
1. Uleng puleng and battu lappa; actually the content of meteorites. For some people believe Badik / kawali who have ulengpuleng (if small) / battu lappa (if large) will bring good to the owner either kemudakan provision, charisma, and career advancement. Position ulengpuleng / battulappa sought is located
in back. Badik approximately 5 cm away from the upstream / pangulu because it believed would facilitate the provision and careers. Badik / kawali who have ulengpuleng and battulappa also believed to avoid disruption of spiritual creatures, magic and refuse reinforcements.
2. Mabelesse; are cracks on the back Badik / kawali so as if Badik / kawali will be split in two. Badik like this is believed to facilitate provision for their owners so much sought after by the profession as a trader.
3. Sumpang buaja; mabelesse Just the same as cracks on the blade near the tip Badik / kawali. 
magic same as mabelesse but the search bar located on the right side near the tip Badik / kawali.
4. Ure tuo; is a line that appears on the bar Badik / kawali. What is sought is not to falter, if located dipunggung Badik / kawali and not disconnected from the upstream to the end tuahnya make the owners respected and obeyed all of his words, if a circular to the top of the bar into the bar next to it like badik luwu sambang then tuahnya ( power / Magic ) to protect their owners of doom and when dropped into it to facilitate the provision of steel.
5. Tolongeng; is a hole in the back Badik / kawali a penetrating downward located near the upstream / pangulu so that when viewed as though such as binoculars. In ancient times before leaving for war usually telescoped warlord armies through Badik / kawali tolongeng.
6. Sippa'sikadong; is a crack in the middle of the bar Badik / kawali from back Badik / kawali. Tuahnya is to make the owner liked by anyone who saw it. In ancient times when there is someone going to propose a girl, the envoy of men will bring Badik / kawali sippa'sikadong who accepted his proposal aims to facilitate women's party
7. Pamussa '; is an effort to strengthen the magical powers Badik / kawali placed in the upstream / pangulu Badik / kawali. Usually by using certain materials depending on what will be used to Badik / kawali that will give pamussa.
8. Pangulu; at bugis Bone society develops a belief in the ability of the majority of people who are able to make the opponent not be able to revoke Badik / kawali when it will be used, science is known as pakuraga / pabinrung. Pangulu that caredo (split / or have the eye) is naturally believed to be able to cope with people who have such knowledge.

Restoring Image Badik Back
As a weapon that has historical value of his time, several stakeholders such as education and tourism agencies and related organizations, try to lift the image of badik positive direction through the exhibition, by inviting the students to be more aware of uses and functions of real badik and also further enhance the appreciation society against the nation's cultural heritage
HW 112 010 (from various existing sources)